Why Invest In KORE? slide image

Why Invest In KORE?

KORE is well positioned in the early innings of an exciting growth opportunity in lot 2020 2025 2030 Devices (bn) IoT Market ($bn) $382B $78B $35B $906B $269B 18.9% CAGR $250B $608B 50.5% CAGR $48B ~$7 Trillion Applications & Platforms Managed Services â– Connectivity 12% 5% 3% 7% 2% 12% 10% 5% 40% 10% 15.8% CAGR 26% Connected Devices = 22 billion 12% 21% 57% 24.6% CAGR Connected Devices = 37 billion 78% Connected Devices = 91 billion IoT Devices = 12 billion M2M IOT IoT Devices = 25 billion Smartphones PC / Tablets TVs Other Source: GSMA (IoT Revenue: State of the Market 2020); Ericsson (Mobility Report 2020); Cisco Annual Internet Report Highlights Tool 2020; IDC (Worldwide 5G Connections Forecast, 2019-2023) and KORE Forecasts KORE IoT Devices = 75 billion 10
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