United Nations Strategic Framework for Afghanistan
6. CCA Update and Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan
6.1 Updating the UN Common Country Analysis
Afghanistan's rapidly evolving context necessitates an analytical framework that provides
accountability and is adaptive and responsive to shifting dynamics, trends, and needs to ensure that
programmatic interventions remain evidence-based, appropriate, relevant, effective, and risk-
informed. As such, the UN CCA will be updated annually or on an ad hoc basis should it be required
due to a significant change in the situation in the country.
All resident and non-resident UN entities will contribute to the CCA update process, including through
the UN's various interagency coordination mechanisms and theme groups. The update process will
also engage all relevant national and international partners and stakeholders as appropriate. The
updated CCA will inform any adjustments that may be necessary to the theory of change, priorities,
outcomes, interventions areas, and results frameworks within both the ACG Framework and UN
Strategic Framework upon collective agreement of the ACG and the UNCT.
6.2 Monitoring Implementation of Joint Workplans
Timely and comprehensive monitoring and reporting are essential to assess the impact of
programmatic interventions and aid effectiveness. Monitoring and reporting also provide
accountability to the people of Afghanistan through greater transparency on activities and
achievement of results, and they enable effective resource allocation and promote evidence-driven
decision-making. The UN Strategic Framework includes an outcome-level indicator framework to
assess progress against the key thematic targets consistent with the achievement of the SDGs (see
Annex I).
To the extent possible, and where relevant, the UN Strategic Framework draws from the global SDG
indicator framework. Given the significant change in the country context rendering existing baseline
data irrelevant or inappropriate and the availability of updated data more challenging, the UN
identified additional proxy indicators to enable measurement of outcome level progress on datasets
that will be updated on a periodic basis. Collective implementation against the UN's joint workplans
will be assessed against a high-level output indicator framework which, to the extent possible, draws
from UN DCO's global output indicator framework to contribute to the UN's global-level reporting on
contributions towards the SDGs.
Progress on UN Strategic Framework implementation will be assessed on an annual basis, including
through joint periodic programme reviews, quality assurance activities, and reporting including
financial reporting - through UNINFO. Specific attention will be given to assessing the impact of
interventions on vulnerable and marginalized groups, including women and girls, through
disaggregated reporting in accordance with UNCT system-wide Action Plan on Gender Equality.
The UN's joint research, monitoring, and evaluation activities are reflected in an integrated and
adaptive multi-year Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) plan (see Annex II) developed by the
M&E Working Group with the objective of strengthening its results-based management throughView entire presentation