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Investor Presentaiton

2016 Braskem | Annual Report INJURY 82 Process Safety everyone's reinforce awareness of the importance of safety procedures, and ensure that processes are effective, Braskem conducts preliminary assessments in order to manage and mitigate potential risks. The process is continuously strengthened by the leaders, who work rigorously on risk management in processes, operations, and logistics. To this end, several management methods are used, such as change management, accident and incident investigations, as well as audits of barries and technical actions to reduce risk in scenarios of greater significance. The Process Safety pyramid is used to classify unwanted events according to their magnitude of damage. FREQUENCY 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 RATE X 1MM/HHT Accident Frequency To 1,04 1,04 0,97 0,68 0,80 Rate (SAF+CAF) Accident Frequency Rate (CAF) 0,35 0,39 0,14 0,26 0,24 SEVERITY RATE 30,79 64,70 12,53 43,32 164,17 NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS WITH FATALITIES 0 0 0 0 1 G4-LA6 TIER 2 NEW CASES OR AGGRAVATED OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE In 2016, after three years without any cases, Braskem identified a case of work-related disease (depression) in the São Paulo (Brazil) office. The investigation was completed in July and included the opinion of external and independent specialists on the case and its history. During the evolution of the analysis, the Team Member received medical assistance, including follow-up with external psychologists and psychiatrists. G4-SO2 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 5 0 0 0 1 3 Incident with loss of containment and release of product above cut- off point. Incident with loss of containment and release of product below cut- off point. Incident with small loss of containment or system failure that could potentially lead to a process accident. One of the highlights of the year was intensifying the analysis of the smaller process safety occurrences, usually considered "near-misses," allowing for increased preventive learning in the units, as well as further revision of the corporate standards associated with process safety. It is also worth highlighting the focus on strengthening human trustworthiness at Braskem, the continuity of the barriers audits, and the implementation of technical risk mitigation actions for the most significant scenarios. In 2016, Braskem recorded nine Tier 1 events, down from 11 events in the previous year. The accident rate was 0.22, consistent with the best process safety benchmarks of companies in the US chemical industry (0.41 was the average benchmark for US companies in 2015).
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