3Q 2023 Investor Presentation
Extensive Suite of Al Products
and Capabilities
QUIQ spread
Employs Al and Machine Learning for digitizing financial data from
public and private companies in a user-friendly interface that allows an analyst
to review and approve the machine output; analyst corrections are fed back
into the Al model
Al Review
Utilizes Al and Machine Learning on our proprietary datasets to significantly
accelerate and improve the quality of KYC decisions, reducing false positives by
>80% and onboarding times for most new customers from hours to seconds
Generates real-time signal and sentiment outputs on nearly 1 million news
stories a day, expediting risk evaluation and decision-making
Categorizes, indexes and databases - leveraging proprietary Machine
Learning and Natural Language Processing
Moody's | Decode risk. Unlock opportunity.
3Q 2023 Investor Presentation
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