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Getinge 2022 Annual Report

Getinge 2022 Annual Report Note 1 cont. Introduction Strategy Corporate Governance Annual Report Sustainability Report Other information Contents Consolidated financial statements Subsidiaries are all companies (including structured entities) over which the Group exercises a controlling influence. The Group con- trols a company when it is exposed to or has the right to variability of returns from its holding in the company and can affect these returns through its influence over the company. The controlling influence is usually transferred at the acquisition date. Acquired companies are consolidated into the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the purchase method, which means that the cost of the shares in subsidiaries is eliminated against their equity at the acquisition date. Accordingly, only the portion of the subsidiary's equity that has arisen after the acquisition is included in consolidated equity. Equity in the subsidiaries is thus determined on a market-based value of identifiable assets, liabilities, provisions and contingent liabilities on the date of the acquisition. If the cost of the shares in the subsidiaries exceeds the value of the acquired net assets, calculated as described above, the difference is assigned to goodwill. If the acquisition cost falls below the fair value of the acquired subsidiary's net assets (a bargain purchase), the difference is recognized directly in profit or loss as other operating income. If assets are included in the subsidiary at the time of acqui- sition - for example, property, participations or other operations - that will not be retained but sold in the near future, these assets are recognized in the acquisition analysis at the amount expected to be received. Deferred tax is calculated on the difference between the calculated market values of assets and liabilities and the fiscal residual values. Intra-Group transactions and unrealized inter- company profits are eliminated in the consolidated financial statements, without respect of shares in non-controlling interests. In profit or loss, net profit is recognized without deductions for non-controlling interests in net profit for the year. Non-controlling interests are recognized as a separate item in consolidated equity in the balance sheet. Transaction costs in connection with business combinations are expensed in profit or loss when they arise. Foreign currencies Functional currency Transactions in foreign currencies are translated to the functional currency of the financial statements according to the exchange rate on the date of the transaction. Receivables and liabilities in foreign currencies are measured at the closing day rate, and unrealized currency gains and losses are included in profit or loss. Exchange rate differences attributable to operating receivables and liabilities are recognized as other operating income/operating expenses. Exchange rate differences regarding financial assets and liabilities are recognized under Other financial items. When preparing the consolidated financial statements, the balance sheets of the foreign operations are translated from their functional currency to SEK, based on the closing day rate. Translation of foreign operations Getinge applies the current method for translation of foreign sub- sidiaries' balance sheets and income statements. This means that all assets and liabilities in subsidiaries are translated at the closing day rate, and all income statement items are translated at average annual exchange rates. Translation differences arising in this context are due to the difference between the income statement's average exchange rates and closing day rates, and to the net assets being translated at a different exchange rate at year-end than at the beginning of the year. Translation differences are recognized under other comprehensive income. The total translation differences in conjunction with divestments are recognized together with the gains/losses arising from the transaction. Hedge accounting is applied to external loans raised in order to reduce translation effects in exposed currencies to match the net assets in foreign subsidiaries. Exchange rate differences for these loans are recognized directly in other comprehensive income for the Group. Revenue recognition Sales include products, services and rental, net after discounts, excluding indirect sales tax. Revenue is mainly recognized when the buyer obtains control of the sold product or service and is able to use or benefit from the product or service. Getinge's overall performance obligations can be divided into products and services. Revenue recognition of sales of products usually takes place at a point in time when the goods are delivered and when collection of the receivable is reasonably assured. Revenue is normally recog- nized once the buyer has accepted delivery and after installation and final inspection. Revenue from services is recognized over time when the services are performed. Income from rental is allocated to a particular period over the term of the rental agreement. Interest income is recognized continuously and dividends received are recognized after the right to the dividend is deemed secure. In the consolidated financial statements, intra-Group sales are eliminated. For larger assignments that meet the criteria for revenue recognition over time, revenue and expenses are recog- nized in relation to the degree of completion of the assignment on the closing date. The degree of completion of an assignment is established in a ratio between accrued assignment costs for work completed on the closing date and the calculated total assign- ment costs, except in those instances this does not correspond to the degree of completion. Changes in the scope and claims of the assignment are included only if there is an agreement with the customer. When the outcome of an assignment cannot be calculated in a reliable manner, only the amount corresponding to the accrued assignment costs that will probably be paid by the client is recognized as revenue. Other accrued assignment costs are recognized as costs in the period in which they occur. If it is probable that the total amount of accrued assignment costs will exceed total revenue from the assignment, the expected loss is promptly recognized as a cost in its entirety. Government grants Government grants are measured at fair value when it is probable that the terms associated with the grants will be met and that the grants will be received. Government grants that apply to costs are recognized in profit or loss as a reduction in costs in the same peri- od as the costs that the grants are intended to cover. If the grants received do not pertain to a specific cost, the grants are recognized as revenue under the item other operating income. Government grants relating to the acquisition of assets reduce the assets' 79
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