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Investor Presentaiton

San Francisco - Dallas/Fort Worth Wyoming Selected Proposed Preferred Route and Optional Alignments Considered Sacramento Reno Salt Lake City San Francisco Nevada Further analysis after completion of this study would be necessary to advance the preferred routes through project planning and project development activities prior to implementation. Merced Iowa Nebraska Omaha Utah Denver Kansas City California Bakersfield Other routes identified in this study could provide access between Phoenix and Flagstaff, between El Paso and Albuquerque, or to Amarillo. Colorado Kansas St Lo Newton Trinidad Barstow Missouri Flagstaff Los Angeles Albuquerque Amarillo Oklahoma City Little Rock Phoenix Oklahoma Provides a direct connection between Barstow and Phoenix. Yuma Arizona New Mexico Arkansa Wichita Falls Las Cruces Tucson Marshall El Paso Ja Best addresses the evaluation criteria for travel demand. Midland Dallas/ Fort Worth Texas Legend Baseline Network Long-Distance, Northeast Corridor, State-Supported, Baseline Projects Potential New Route Segments Shared by All Route Options Segments for Optional Alignment Selected Route Option Terminal Markets U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration Provides a direct connection between El Paso and Dallas/Fort Worth. San Antonio Houston Louisiana 80
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