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Investor Presentaiton

Appendix 4: Definitions - Other. Appendix Branch transactions Customer satisfaction or CSat CSAT (Main Bank Service Satisfaction) (Westpac NZ) CSat overall consumer CSat overall business CSat - SME Digitally active Digital sales Digital transactions MFI share Consumer MFI share Branch transactions are typically withdrawals, deposits, transfers and payments The Customer Satisfaction score is an average of customer satisfaction ratings of the customer's main financial institution for consumer or business banking on a scale of 0 to 10 (0 means 'extremely dissatisfied' and 10 means 'extremely satisfied') Source: 3 month rolling Retail Market Monitor data (survey conducted by Camorra Research). Respondents are asked to rate the overall level of service they receive from their main bank (self-selected which ONE bank is their main provider of financial services) on a scale of 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent). The rating represents % of respondents who scored 4 (Very Good) or 5 (Excellent) Source: DBM Consultants Consumer Atlas, August 2018 - February 2021, 6MMA. MFI customers Source: DBM Consultants Business Atlas, August 2018 - February 2021, 6MMA. MFI customers, all businesses Source: DBM Consultants Business Atlas, 6 months to September 2019, March 2020 and August 2020. MFI customers, Total SME businesses. Total SME businesses are those organisations with annual turnover under $5 million (excluding Agribusinesses) Australian consumer and business customers who have had an authenticated session (including Quickzone) on Westpac Group digital banking platforms in the prior 90 days Sales refers to digital sales of consumer core products only. Sales with a funded deposit or activation constitute a quality sale. Includes new American Express credit card sales Digital transactions including payment and transfers that occur on Westpac Live and Compass platforms (excludes payments on other platforms such as Corporate Online and Business Banking Online) MFI share results are based on the number of customers who have a Main Financial Institution (MFI) relationship with an institution, as a proportion of the number of customers that have a MFI relationship with any institution Source: DBM Consultants Consumer Atlas, 6 months to February 2021. MFI customers Net Promoter Score or NPS NPS Agri (Westpac NZ) NPS Business (Westpac NZ) NPS Consumer (Westpac NZ) NPS overall consumer NPS - overall business St.George (SGB) Brands Women in Leadership Net Promoter Score measures the net likelihood of recommendation to others of the customer's main financial institution for retail or business banking. Net Promoter ScoreSM is a trademark of Bain & Co Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Mr Frederick Reichheld. Using a 11 point numerical scale where 10 is 'Extremely likely' and 0 is 'Extremely unlikely', Net Promoter Score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors (0-6) from the percentage of Promoters (9-10) 6 month Agri Market Monitor data (survey conducted by Key Research). Respondents are asked about likelihood to recommend their main business bank to business colleagues, friends or family on a scale of 1 (extremely unlikely) to 10 (extremely likely). Net Promoter Score is represents % of Promoters (recommend score of 9 or 10) minus % of Detractors (recommend score of 1 to 6) Source: 6 month rolling Business Finance Monitor data (survey conducted by Kantar TNS among businesses with an annual turnover of $5 to $150 million). Respondents are asked about likelihood to recommend their main business bank to business colleagues and associates on a scale of 1 (extremely unlikely) to 10 (extremely likely). Net Promoter Score is represents % of Promoters (recommend score of 9 or 10) minus % of Detractors (recommend score of 1 to 6) Source: 3 month rolling Retail Market Monitor data (survey conducted by Camorra Research). Respondents are asked about likelihood to recommend their main bank to family and friends on a scale of 1 (extremely unlikely) to 10 (extremely likely). Net Promoter Score is represents % of Promoters (recommend score of 9 or 10) minus % of Detractors (recommend score of 1 to 6) Source: DBM Consultants Consumer Atlas, August 2018 - February 2021, 6MMA. MFI customers Source: DBM Consultants Business Atlas, August 2018 - February 2021, 6MMA. MFI customers, all businesses SGB Brands (Consumer): St. George Bank, Bank of Melbourne, BankSA, RAMS, Dragondirect SGB Brands (Business): St. George Bank, Bank of Melbourne and BankSA The proportion of women in leadership roles across the Group. It includes the CEO, Group Executives, General Managers, senior leaders with significant influence on business outcomes (direct reports to General Managers and their direct reports), large (3+) team people leaders three levels below General Manager, and Bank and Assistant Bank Managers. Senior Executive refers to the proportion of women in the combined Group Executives and General Manager populations 115 Westpac Group 2021 Interim Results Presentation & Investor Discussion Pack Westpac GROUP
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