(R)Evolution 2009-2050: Transforming Energy slide image

(R)Evolution 2009-2050: Transforming Energy

Maximizing the Alberta commodity portfolio Creating incremental value and stability through market expertise Average realized power prices (1) have exceeded spot power prices $125 by 15% since the Company's inception ~12 years ago $100 $75 $50 $25 $0 Q3/09 Q4/09 Q1/10 Q2/10 Q3/10 Q4/10 Q1/11 Q2/11 Q3/11 Q4/11 Q1/12 Q2/12 Q3/12 Q4/12 Q1/13 Average AB spot power price Q2/13 Q3/13 Q4/13 1) Based on the Alberta baseload plants and the acquired Sundance PPA plus the uncontracted portion of Shepard Energy Centre baseload. Effective Mar/16, Sundance PPA is no longer a part of Capital Power's baseload generation due to termination of the Sundance PPA. Q1/14 Q2/14 Q3/14 Q4/14 Q1/15 Q2/15 Q3/15 Q4/15 Q1/16 Q2/16 Q3/16 Q4/16 Q1/17 Q2/17 -Capital Power captured AB price Q3/17 Q4/17 Q1/18 Q2/18 Q3/18 Q4/18 Q1/19 Q2/19 Q3/19 Q4/19 Q1/20 Q2/20 Q3/20 Q4/20 Q1/21 Q2/21 Q3/21 29
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