Investor Presentaiton
China restructured its TVETS to prepare future agricultural workers
China's agriculture industry declined between 1980 and 2008, as the
proportion of planting shrank even though that of fishery & forestry
2 major factors drove this situation:
Declining number of farmers: -200M farmers had dumped farming
in favor of formal employment in cities and towns
Shortage of skills: Current stock of farmers were unfamiliar with
new agricultural technology, which hindered further employment
What did the Chinese government do?
Chinese government revised TVET's curriculum to focus on 3 major areas:
Practical student trainings on present job demands
~1/3 students received 11-15 hours of various skills training weekly
TVETS placed students with agricultural SMEs for internships
Career guidance and advisory services
>50% of students across schools were satisfied with career
counselling, and 90% believed it contributed to life planning
Integration of students & teachers into community agriculture efforts
School resources were used to support 12 agricultural model villages
Teachers trained farmers in cultivation, pest control etc.
TVETS means Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges
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Key successes
Students transitioned smoothly into agriculture sector
Majority of students pursued agriculture after schooling - ~90%
employment rate of agricultural majors across the 3 schools
Employers collaborated with schools to develop more TVETS
Xinjiang built a training centre for seed production and
management majors, and developed eight training courses
Heilongjiang established province level school-enterprise
cooperation group for food majors
Learnings for Plateau State
Partner with schools to build a training centre for potato seed
production, farming and processing
Work with ASTC & FADAMA to identify skill gaps in the agricultural
sector and partner with schools to adjust curriculum to include gaps
Liaise with agro-processing companies e.g., NASCO, and communal
farmers to offer students yearly one-month internship placements
1. Schools in focus are Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational Technical College, Nan Gong Vocational and Technical Education Centre, and Heilongjiang Nongken Vocational College
Source: World Bank; Media coverage; BCG
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