Pix Evolution and Implementation
Presentation, 4
1. From the idealization to the Implementation of Pix, 5
1.1 The retail payments market, 5
1.2 International benchmarking, 6
1.3 The inception and launching of Pix, 6
1.4 Pix and the strategic agenda of the BCB, 9
2.7 Communication and Education - Pix contribution to financial
citizenship, 16
2.7.1 Pix is new, but scams are old
(#campanha contragolpes, #essefilmevocêjáviu and #evitegolpes), 17
2.7.2 #Pixforbusiness, 17
2.7.3 #BCteExplica, 17
2. Pix Evolution During the 2021/2022 Biennium, 10
2.1 Features to increase user convenience, 11
2.1.1 Phonebook integration, 11
2.1.2 Mandatory transaction scheduling, 11
2.1.3 Accessibility - Pix is for everyone, 11
2.2 Future dated billing, 12
2.3 Security measures, 12
2.3.1 Limits on transaction values, 12
2.3.2 Precautionary blocking, 12
2.3.3 Special Return Mechanism (MED), 13
2.3.4 Anti-fraud and data protection rules and mechanisms implemented
in the DICT, 13
2.4 Initiation service: the link that connects Open Finance and Pix, 13
2.5 Pix Withdrawal and Pix Change, 15
2.6 Pix Regulation Improvements, 16
2.6.1 Partnerships and outsourcing, 16
2.6.2 Instant Payments Account Remuneration, 16
3. Pix in Numbers, 18
3.1 Transactions, 18
3.2 Pix aliases, 22
3.3 Users, 23
3.3.1 Individuals, 23
3.3.2 Legal entities, 24
3.4 Participants, 25
3.5 Pix in the retail payments market, 27
4. The Future of Pix, 27
4.1 Evolving Agenda 2023, 27
4.1.1 Automatic Pix, 28
4.1.2 Secondary channel for non-priority transactions, 28
4.1.3 Security mechanisms, 28
4.2 Future vision, 28
4.2.1 Pix does not stop here, 28
4.2.2 The (r)evolution continues, 28View entire presentation