Investor Presentaiton
Business Domestic SaaS Marketing Potential Market Size.
Domestic SaaS marketing potential market size is estimated to expand to about \0.95
trillion, along with the expansion of SaaS market in Japan.
Advertising costs
SaaS potential market size*1
to net sales ratio*2
¥6.1 tn × 15.6%
¥0.95 tn
Estimated based on 24% of the total investment in business systems in the domestic software market in FY 2020 by Fuji Chimera Research Institute, Inc., "2019 New
Software Business Market" and the potential market size of back-office SaaS described in the former page.
*2 Average advertising costs to net sales ratio of domestic major public SaaS companies. Created by Money Forward, Inc. based on financial reports and presentation
documents of Money Forward, RAKUS, Uzabase, User Local, kaonavi, Chatwork, Sansan, freee, Cybozu, and TeamSpirit available as of December 1, 2020.View entire presentation