Investor Presentaiton
Mundra Power Plant: Regulatory Events
(wef 15-Oct-18)
o HPC recommendation was based on sacrifices by all the stakeholders ensuring Public interest is
protected while implementing solutions for viable and sustainable operations
o Procurers: Pass through of imported coal cost based on HBA ceiling of USD 110/MT to be reviewed
every 5 years
。 Developers-
Past losses prior to cut off date i.e. 15-10-2018 shall not be compensated
Extension of PPA tenure by another period of 10 years after the completion of the PPA tenure
of 25 years at the option of procurer
Capacity being sold under merchant of 550 MW offered to procurers
Sharing of profit from the Indonesian Mines with procurers subject to minimum of Rs. 0.05/kwh
o Lenders-
Reduction in debt to compensate for reduction in the capacity charges by Rs. 0.20/kwh
• Interest rate reduction on the balance debt
PPA Amendment Update
•CERC approval for Supplemental PPAs granted on 12th Apr 2019; Capacity under PPAs raised to 1,200 MW and
1,234 MW respectively
•Retrospective claims of Rs. 929 Cr. almost fully received
•Interest Rate reduction sought from Lenders
PPA Termination
⚫APL had appealed in Supreme Court against rejection of termination notice by the APTEL, for GUVNL Bid-02 PPA
on account of non-availability of domestic coal from GMDC
•On 2nd July 2019, Hon'ble Supreme Court has ruled that PPA is terminated from Jan 2010, directed CERC to
calculate compensation
•Petition filed with CERC for compensation claim
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