Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion slide image

Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion

Capital & balance Sheet Profitability Risk adjusted yield will rise as Legacy book reduces Non- Legacy Legacy Group FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 Interest Income on loans 268 53 321 (€ mn) (pre FTP) Loan credit losses (€ mn) 16 (82) (66) Interest Income net of loan 284 (29) 255 credit losses (€ mn) • Cost of Risk (0.17%) 3.77% 0.57% Effective Yield 2.92% 5.48% 3.17% • Risk adjusted Yield¹ 3.10% (3.05%) 2.51% Average Net Loans (€ mn) RWA Intensity 9,195 964 10,159 38% 99% 43% 1) Interest Income on loans net of allowance for expected loan credit losses/Average Net Loans Global corporate, RRD Corporate IB, W&M SME and Retail Banking Overseas non REMU core Non-Legacy Book is expected to grow and to increasingly drive Group results Legacy book revenues predominantly driven by loan credit losses unwinding (but offset via loan credit losses) Interest on Net NPEs not received in cash, fully provided (€2 mn in 4Q2021 and €15 mn in FY2021) As Legacy book reduces: • Group risk adjusted yield expected to rise Group Risk intensity expected to fall supporting CET1 ratio build 55 65
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