Investor Presentaiton
The VocĂȘ Decide ("You Decide") communication
campaign, on anticorruption matters and
incentives for honest, ethical conduct,
encourages members to own their decisions
and commit to combating corruption, internal
fraud, moral and sexual harassment, abuse of
power and conflicts of interest. Launched in
2019/2020, it is available on interactive videos
for all members.
In Anticorruption Week the schedule includes
training and an awareness course for
members on doing the right thing even if no
one is watching. Unmanned ice cream carts
were stationed on the facilities for members
to help themselves and pay a suggested price.
In fact, the voluntary payment received was
higher than that suggested.
Highlights of
training and
| 103-2 and 103-3: Anticorruption | 205-1 | 205-2 | 205-3 |
A highlight in auditing was the
completion of 17 automatic tests to
supplement the conventional internal
audit plan, to speed up procedures,
and the matter was included as a
metric for variable compensation
of executives. The implementation
of audit recommendations (internal
and external), and the completion
of all compliance training, were also
considered for variable
management compensation.
Changes in standards
and controls
In 2019/2020, we started revising
policies and guidelines for the next
crop, to simplify content and reinforce
controls and transparency in relations
with third parties and public agents,
as well as establishing independence
and quality in investigating reports
received on the whistleblowers'
channel ("Ethics Line").
For this, we introduced a more
objective Compliance System Policy
and a new Code of Conduct. We also
started revising the Guidelines for
Relations with Public Agents, jointly
with the Institutional Relations area,
to enhance anticorruption controls
and transparency in dealings.
also started
to take into
account audit
and compliance
Additionally, we arranged for an
independent firm to undertake a full
audit of processes and procedures
in the Risks and Compliance area.
The result will serve to help amend
current regulations and controls
and to introduce other initiatives
to reinforce ethical behavior in the
company even more.
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