Investor Presentaiton
Information required
Register entry to the Dominican Republic
Migratory information of registrant and accompanying
First names
(Write information)
Last name (Write information)
• Date of Birth (Select date)
Gender (Select from drop-down list)
Place of birth (Select from drop-down list)
Country of nationality (Select from drop-down list)
Passport (Write information)
Confirm passport (Write information)
Are you a foreigner residing in the (Choose option yes or no)
Dominican Republic? (Write information)
Residence number (Select from drop-down list)
Marital status (Select from drop-down list)
Occupation (Choose option yes or no)
Will you be staying in a hotel?
Specify the hotel (Type information and then select)
Ministerio de Turismo
REPÚBLICA DOMINICANAView entire presentation