Statement of Financial Condition slide image

Statement of Financial Condition

UBS Securities LLC Notes to the Statement of Financial Condition (continued) (In Thousands) 6. Fair Value Measurement (continued) Financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value (continued) Financial Assets: Securities borrowed Securities purchased under agreements to resell Receivables from brokers, dealers and clearing organizations Receivables from customers Exchange memberships Dividends and interest receivable Financial Liabilities: Short-term borrowings Securities loaned Securities sold under agreements to repurchase Payables to brokers, dealers and clearing organizations Payables to customers Dividends and interest payable Subordinated borrowings Carrying Value $ 12,631,841 15,232,174 3,723,557 614,674 10,761 126,582 Carrying Value $ 10,815,324 5,300,15 7,567,189 2,739,921 2,391,489 150,282 4,875,000 Fair Value $ 12,631,841 15,233,560 3,723,557 614,674 17,001 126,582 Fair Value $ 10,815,324 5,300,151 7,567,814 2,739,921 2,391,489 150,282 4,875,000 (Level 1) $ (Level 1) $ (Level 2) $ 12,631,841 15,233,560 3,723,557 614,674 126,582 (Level 2) $ 10,815,324 5,300,151 7,567,814 2,739,921 2,391,489 150,282 4,875,000 (Level 3) $ 17,001 (Level 3) $ T 25
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