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Investor Presentaiton

Robust collections supporting CoR, highest coverage among peers maintained Quarterly Net NPL Formation ¹² (TL mln) Coverage & Cost of Risk (cumulative) Inflows 4Q23 3,331 3Q23 2,657 8,908 Collections -2,154 -2,684 -1,442 2Q23 -1,507 1Q23 1,363 Total Coverage³ 4.4% Cost of Risk 216bps CoR excluding collections ■Net CoR 147bps 118bps 111bps 110bps 84bps 38bps 33bps 31bps 14bps 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 2023 Net NPL Inflow -144 7,466 -27 1,177 8,472 Yapı Kredi Peer-1 Peer-2 2022 1Q23 1H23 9M23 2023 NPL Ratio 3.2% 3.7% 3.4% 3.0% 3.0% 2023 Net NPL Inflow Breakdown 2023 Net CoR Composition Corporate & Commercial SME 256 3,688 -56bps Stage I & II Stage III 141bps -71bps Specific Collections Consumer & CC 679 865 1,416 1,568 4,528 Currency 87bps Fully hedged 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 Notes: 1. 2. 3. Based on Bank-only BRSA financials Excluding the positive impact of NPL sales & write-offs; NPL Sales; 4Q23: 1.4 bln TL, 2Q23: 1.8 bln TL which was fully covered Based on 2023 BRSA financials of peers announced so far - 24 - YapıKredi
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