Monthly General Fund Budget Schedule
Amounts included in the projections are the ones used in connection with the fiscal year 2015 budget.
The General Fund Budget revenues projections of the Commonwealth excludes certain taxes which are pledged for
specific purposes, including the receipts of Federal Grants, as described on page 4 of this presentation.
The Commonwealth follows the practice of pooling cash. The following cash flows are for the General Fund only, and
therefore do not represent the actual cash balance of the Commonwealth, or its liquidity projections for all of its funds.
Actual and projected information are not prepared under US GAAP basis.
General Fund projected revenues are based on estimates used for fiscal year 2015 budget preparation.
General Fund projected expenditures are based on the amount appropriated by the Puerto Rico Legislative Assembly in
the approved budget. There's a risk that actual expenditures will be higher than the budgeted amount.
General Fund Budget Schedule of revenues, expenditures and changes in cash balances of the Commonwealth for Fiscal
Year 2014-15 may vary from those set forth in the financial information included in this presentation.
General Fund budget actual revenues are recorded once they have been collected.
General Fund budget actual expenditures include current year expenditures paid plus those amount recorded for
payment. It do not include unprocessed expenditures.
The financial information included in this presentation has not been updated to reflect the impact of circumstances that
may arise after the date of the approval of the Commonwealth's General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15. Actual
amounts could significantly differ from those estimates.
The Commonwealth, the Department of the Treasury and Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico do not
undertake to update the financial information in this presentation to reflect the impact of circumstances that may arise
after the date of this publication.
The projections are subject to various risks and uncertainties, are preliminary and subject to change, and should not be
relied upon as being necessarily indicative of future results. Actual General Fund revenues, other financing sources (uses)
and expenditures may vary significantly from the projected amounts.
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