Diagnostic of Circular Economy in North Macedonia
Existing policy and regulatory landscape relevant to circular
Waste management
The Law on Waste Management was adopted in
2021 and a set of laws targeting specific waste
streams and management schemes were adopted
in parallel, fully transposing the EU waste
Framework and regulating EPR schemes.
The National Plan for Waste Management
(2021-2031) and the National Waste Prevention
Plan (2022-2028) are expected to accelerate the
circular transition by reducing waste production
and increasing levels of reuse, recycling, and
recovery of products.
Public procurement
The Law on Public Procurement (2019)
includes relevant provisions on green public
procurement, and the Law on Energy Efficiency
(2020) introduces requirements specific to
energy efficiency.
Private sector and industry
The Industrial Strategy with a focus on
Manufacturing (2018-2027) has a key objective to
"Catalyse Green Industry and
The SME Strategy (2018-2023) has a special focus
on environmental policies.
The Plan for Accelerated Growth (2022-2026)
foresees the introduction of several instruments to
promote and finance green projects.
The development of the Smart Specialisation
Strategy envisage the transition to the circular
economy.View entire presentation