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Investor Presentaiton

Government and Society Preparation to Live With COVID-19 COVID-19 is a new disease that needs to be faced and prepared for its sustainable handling Strategy on COVID-19 control and prevention Intense intersectoral collaborations under the supervision of President Joko Widodo and coordination of the committee of national economic recovery and COVID-19 control (KPCPEN) Case detection: Intensifying screening and epidemiological tests; Contact tracing; Genomic surveillance; Screening at country entry and exit points Therapeutics: conversion of 30-40% of hospital beds for COVID-19, ensuring adequate logistics and human resources, tightening criteria of hospital admission, establishing a center for isolation Vaccination: allocate more vaccines for high-risk areas, the establishment of vaccination centers, vaccination certificates as entry requirement of the public regions; rate acceleration on elderly and people with comorbidities Public health measures: micro-scale of social activity restriction, implementation of digital tech in public health measures Updates People are allowed not to wear masks in open spaces from 18 May 2022. Mandatory mask use only for indoor activities and crowded areas Domestic and international travelers do not require a PCR test and quarantine if they have been vaccinated at least two doses but still have a temperature check. People were allowed to go home/ "mudik" for Eid al-Fitr Only people with moderate and severe COVID-19 symptoms are suggested to be hospitalized Medicine package delivery for COVID-19 confirmed positive individuals with asymptomatic or mild symptoms based on NAR database Source: Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs 6
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