Constellation Energy Market Performance
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Constellation reports its financial results in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (GAAP). Constellation supplements the reporting
of financial information determined in accordance with GAAP with certain non-GAAP financial measures, including:
Adjusted EBITDA represents earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, and excludes certain costs, expenses, gains and losses and other specified
items, including mark-to-market adjustments from economic hedging activities, decommissioning related activity, asset impairments, certain amounts associated with
plant retirements and divestitures, pension and OPEB non-service costs, separation related costs and other items as set forth in the Appendix. Includes nuclear fuel
amortization expense.
Adjusted operating and maintenance expense excludes direct cost of sales for certain Constellation and Power businesses, ARO accretion expense from unregulated
units and decommissioning costs that do not affect profit and loss, the impact from operating and maintenance expense related to variable interest entities at
Constellation, and other items as set forth in the reconciliation in the Appendix
Total gross margin is defined as operating revenues less purchased power and fuel expense, excluding revenue related to decommissioning, gross receipts tax, JExel
Nuclear JV, variable interest entities, and net of direct cost of sales for certain Constellation and Power businesses
Adjusted cash flows from operations primarily includes net cash flows from operating activities and Collection of Deferred Purchase Price (DPP) related to the
revolving accounts receivable arrangement, which is presented in cash flows from investing activities for GAAP
Free cash flows before growth (FCFbg) is Adjusted cash flows from operations less capital expenditures for maintenance and nuclear fuel, non-recurring capital
expenditures related to separation and ERP system implementation, changes in collateral, net merger and acquisitions, and equity investments and other items as forth
in Appendix
Adjusted operating revenues exclude the Mark-to-Market impact of economic hedging activities due to the volatility and unpredictability of the future changes in
commodity prices
Adjusted purchased power and fuel excludes the Mark-to-Market impact of economic hedging activities due to the volatility and unpredictability of the future changes
in commodity prices
Due to the forward-looking nature of some forecasted non-GAAP measures, information to reconcile the forecasted adjusted (non-GAAP) measures to the most directly
comparable GAAP measure may not be currently available, as management is unable to project all of these items for future periods
Constellation.View entire presentation