Global Sales and FCEV Strategy Update
ESG Enhancement Roadmap
of ESG
ESG is considered to be a key element for sustainable growth
Market participants(equity, credit, government, etc.) take ESG as a necessary
criteria when making investment decisions and policies
Customers make purchasing decision and assign brand value based on ESG
Phase I
Report the market's
interest in ESG to
top management
Offer ESG seminars
to our Board members
Open dialogue with
rating & consulting firms
Rank 1st place in Climate
Change Actions by CDP
Phase II
Phase III
Phase IV
Involve actively with
ESG rating agencies
(Sustainalytics, DJSI, MSCI)
Include ESG ratings
as one of CEO's KPI
Share ESG matters with
related departments
Organize a team in
charge of overall
ESG strategy
Review strategic
approach and set up
mid-to long-term plan
Coordinate with all
related teams to
build stronger ESG
Continuing Effort
Improve ESG practice
to global peer level
Expand our exemplary
activities to the group
Maintain high scores
and rankings
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