Investor Presentaiton
Appendix - Variables and Indexes
PA: protected area share of state territory in %
icms_e: dummy variable for ICMS-E: 1 if ecological fiscal transfers in force in state i year t, 0 if otherwise
agr. share of valued added by agriculture of valued added by economic activity (agr+ind+ser) in % (constant prices
R$2000) in thousands
ind: share of valued added by industry of valued added by economic activity (agr+ind+ser) in % (constant prices
R$2000) in thousands
ser. share of valued added by service of valued added by economic activity (agr+ind+ser) in % (constant prices
R$2000) in thousands
pop: population density cap/km²
inc: GDP per capita in constant prices R$2010 in thousands
arpa: dummy variable for a policy on protected areas in the amazon 1 if in force in state i year t, 0 if otherwise
OPA: other government level protected areas (e.g. state level PAs sta and federal level PAs fed when regressing on
municipal PAs mun)
biome: set of dummy variables for the biomes in Brazil:
ama: amazon biome 1 if major share of state i territory
cer: cerrado biome 1 if major share of state i territory
caa: caatinga biome 1 if major share of state i territory
mat: mata atlantica biome 1 if major share of state i territory
pan: pantanal biome 1 if major share of state i territory
pam: pampa biome 1 if major share of state i territory
int: set of interaction variables of icms_e with agr, ind, ser, pop, and inc, respectively
¡ indexes the 26 federal states and the federal district
t indexes years from 1991-2009
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