Louisiana Student Standards for Social Studies Review Timeline slide image

Louisiana Student Standards for Social Studies Review Timeline

LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Extended Timeline July 16, 2021 Social Studies Standards Workgroup and Steering Committee, First, let me thank you for the incredible work you are doing. Your commitment to excellence is building an academic foundation that provides students with the needed skills to succeed inside and outside of the classroom. I'm truly honored to work side by side with each of you. Back in December, we began the process of opening applications, selecting individuals to serve on the steering committee and workgroups, and began engaging in the difficult yet rewarding work of reviewing and revising standards. An essential part of this process is receiving feedback from the public as our workgroups continue to draft and revise. We have received a large amount of feedback as a part of this undertaking. Therefore, I am rescheduling the upcoming July 31st meeting of the steering committee and setting it for Saturday, September 25th. This change will allow the workgroup members the time they need to effectively incorporate feedback into the standards. I believe adopting the correct set of standards is vastly more important than meeting a predetermined timeline. Let's be clear: our kids deserve better, more rigorous standards. Our shared future in a democratic republic depends on us. Thank you again for all your hard work. I am excited to see what continued progress you make in the coming months. Dr. Cade Brumley Louisiana State Superintendent "This change will allow the workgroup members the time they need to effectively incorporate feedback into the standards. I believe adopting the correct set of standards is vastly more important than meeting a predetermined timeline. Let's be clear: our kids deserve better, more rigorous standards." Louisiana Believes POST OFFICE BOX 94064 | BATON ROUGE, LA 70804-9064 11.877.453 27211 www.LOUISIANABELIEVES Believes 18
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