Investor Presentaiton
at the beginning of their careers, which pro-
vides for adjusting the compensation of those
who receive positive evaluations. Leaders are
evaluated based on 360° assessments, the
Performance Map and the Calibration Com-
mittee (see performance analysis and career
development in GRI Indicators). |G4-LA11|
Through year end, the company invested
R$14,298,941.00 in 625,416 total hours of
training, which represents 34 hours per em-
ployee (see average number of training hours
per year per employee, as well as the total num-
ber of employee training hours for human rights
policies in GRI Indicators). IG4-LA9, G4-HR2|
Value invested (R$)
Grants awarded
* The 2015 program ended in 2016. The 90 participants of the 2015 program are the same in 2016.
|G4-DMA: Economic performance, G4-DMA: Market pres-
ence, G4-DMA: Employment|
Employees receive fixed compensation,
established in accordance with the com-
plexity of their functions aligned with sala-
ries practiced on the market, and variable
compensation, based on company results
and individual performance (see variation
of the proportion of the lowest salaries,
gender discrimination, compared to local
minimum wage in GRI Indicators). [G4-EC5|
Brazilian employees have a benefits pack-
age and may participate in the Embraer Prev
complementary pension plan. Membership
is voluntary, without restrictions, and time
of service is considered for withdrawal. Con-
tributors define a monthly value of up to 8%
of their salary and the sponsor matches that
amount. Abroad, benefits packages vary in
accordance with the current legislation in
each country. [G4-EC3, G4-LA2|
|G4-DMA: Workplace health and safety|
Concern with employee health and safety
is the focus of the Environmental, Health
and Safety Policy (MASS, in Portuguese),
which aims to ensure a work environment
that complies with labor and environmental
law, in addition to complying with health,
safety and ergonomic requirements.
The initiatives are developed based on
periodic medical exams (for all employees)
in order to trace each department's
epidemiological profile. With this information
the company developed the Behavioral
Program, the Tensional Reeducation
Training Program (PERTO, in Portuguese)
and the Prevention through Design program.
Furthermore, emphasis is given to the Well-
Being program, which aims to encourage the
practice of healthy habits among employees.
The Internal Accident Prevention Com-
mittee (CIPA, in Portuguese) exists since
1971, and it is made up of representatives
elected annually by employees, and an
equal proportion of members are named
by the company (87.26% representation),
with the objective of ensuring safety in the
operating environment. |G4-LA5|
The company is also in dialogue with unions
regarding terms related to employee health
and safety. Clauses negotiated in collective
conventions cover 100% of Brazilian employ-
ees and include: offering Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE); training and education re-
garding this issue; complaint recording sys-
tem; and accident audits and periodic visits
with the participation of employees' repre-
sentatives. |G4-11, G4-LA8|
Internationally recognized certificates, such
as the OHSAS 18001 (since 2001), accred-
it Embraer operations with regard to adopt
ed practices. Incident reduction and work
condition improvement goals defined in the
Master Sustainability Plan (see page 7) are
supplemented annually. In addition, safety
indicators are also monitored and analyzed
monthly by the Board of Executive Officers
and by the Board of Directors.
For the year, the total number of accidents
with lost time was 82, and the occupational
sickness rate was 0.22% (see more infor-
mation in GRI Indicators). [G4-LA6|
In 2016, various sector companies an-
nounced cost and expense adjustments,
including those related to the operating
environment. In this context, Embraer ap-
proved a plan for operational adjustments
in continuity with the reviews of processes
and the quest for efficiency (see page 30),
which included a Voluntary Dismissal Pro-
gram (PDV, in Portuguese). All applications
were evaluated by the company, and the
1,463 people who were awarded received,
in addition to their severance pay, com-
pensation of 40% of the nominal monthly
salary proportional to their time of service
in the company, six months of health and
dental plan coverage, and support through
lectures and career qualification and/or
transition workshops. |G4-LA10|
A satisfaction survey was conducted with
these employees, revealing that 85% of the
respondents expressed their gratitude for
the time they worked at Embraer. This data
shows the respect with which the PDV was
conducted and reaffirms the high satisfac-
tion rates recorded in surveys over the last
seven years.
Every year between 2007 and 2015, Em-
braer conducted an Internal Organizational
Climate Survey, seeking to evaluate the de-
gree of employee satisfaction. Because it is
often above the market average, the compa-
ny opted to improve practices in 2016, with
a biannual engagement survey, which will
take place in 2017, for the first time.
37View entire presentation