Investor Presentaiton
I'm a new private investor in Verde. I'm still doing research/DD. Who should I contact with many general questions about the basics of the industry and specifics on Verde?
How many individual non-insider employees were included in the grant of 96,217 options in Q2?
While Verde gains more scale, do you still see relevant reduction in production cost, sales cost and administrative cost per ton?
How many individual employees are associated with the 3,471 stock options issued on May 10, 2021 and then forfeited before the June 30th quarter end?
If 10% of the 96,217 stock options issued on May 10, 2021 vested immediately (representing 9,621.7 options) why does note 10 report the number of these options as
exercisable at the end of Q2 as 9,628?
Can you talk about the change in transport cost? Is that mostly having to do with fuel used to get material from the ore to the processing yard?
What is the calculated Fair Value related to the 96,217 stock options as at the May 10, 2021 initial grant date.
Have any further stock options been issued to employees so far in Q3?
Do your have percentage of sales that are new vs returning customers?
Can you explain why 9,000 of the 10,000 $1.69 options issued on March 25, 2021 were forfeited in Q2? Was this due to a single employee receiving the 10,000 grant in
March and then leaving the Company in Q2 having only seen 10% of the options vest?
Can you please clarify the stock option plan which granted such a large bonus to so many sales (?) staff. This had a large impact on net profit, is this likely to reoccur
annually in the long term.
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