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Investor Presentaiton

Cost Reduction Plan (non-consolidated) 1,767.0 1,662.6 JR JR-EAST Natural increase, increase due to occurrence Increase due to measures +23.7 +16.1 Natural decrease, decrease due to absence -19.4 Cost Reduction (\ billion) Reduction of operating expenses -22.6 -58.7 Depreciation, Property tax, etc. +15.8 1,640.0 2020.3 Results 2021.3 Results Increase due to Natural increase, measures Expenses for Tokyo Olympics / Paralympics Expenses for Information processing etc. Natural decrease, increase due to occurrence decrease due to absence Cost Reduction Revenue-related expenses Increase in fuel costs of thermal power plants Compensation for Works JRE POINT Revenue-related expenses Decrease due to the application of new accounting standards Decrease in number of employees Takanawa Gateway Fest New uniforms etc. etc. 2022.3 Plan Maintenance cost -30.8 Publicity and -5.3 advertising expenses Decrease in number of goods -2.4 Salary increase restraint -2.3 Security cost -1.8 31
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