Investor Presentaiton
Main sources of uncertainty in the assumptions-
Cash and cash equivalents-
The following are the key assumptions about the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty
at the end of the reporting period, which have a significant risk to result in a material adjustment to the
carrying amount of assets and liabilities on the next financial period.
Useful lives and residual values of property, furniture and equipment-
Useful lives and residual values of items of property, furniture and equipment are used to determine the
amortization and depreciation of assets and are defined according to the analysis by internal and external
specialists. Useful lives are periodically reviewed, at least once a year, and are based on the current conditions
of assets and the estimate of the period during which they will continue to generate economic benefits
to the Trust. If there are changes in the estimate of useful lives, the carrying amount of assets is affected
prospectively, as well as the corresponding depreciation expense.
Impairment of long-lived assets-
The carrying amount of long-lived assets is reviewed for impairment in case that situations or changes
in the circumstances indicate that it is not recoverable. If there are impairment indicators, a review is carried
out to determine whether the carrying amount exceeds is recoverability value and whether it is impaired.
In the impairment evaluation, assets are grouped in the cash generating unit to which they belong. The
recoverable amount of the cash generating unit is calculated as the present value of future cash flows that
the assets are expected to produce. There will be impairment if the recoverable value is less than the
carrying amount.
Fibra INN defines the cash generating units at the individual hotel level and also estimates the periodicity
and cash flows that it should generate. Subsequent changes in grouping cash generating units, or changes
in the assumptions underlying the estimate of cash flows or the discount rate, could impact the carrying
amounts of the respective assets.
Calculations of value in use require the Trust to determine the cash flows generated by the cash generating
units and an appropriate discount rate to calculate its present value. Fibra INN uses cash flows projections
based on market conditions as part of its critical assumptions. In the same way, for purposes of the discount
rate and the perpetuity growth, market risk premium indicators are used and long-term growth expectations
for the markets in which Fibra INN operates.
Defined benefit plans-
Fibra INN uses assumptions to determine the best estimate for these benefits. Assumptions and estimates
are established in conjunction with independent actuaries. These assumptions include demographic
hypothesis, discount rates and expected increases in remunerations and future permanence, among
others. Although the assumptions are deemed appropriate, a change in such assumptions could affect
the value of the employee benefit liability and the results of the period in which it occurs.
Cash in banks
Cash equivalents (government bonds)
Total cash and cash equivalents
Article 87 clause III of the Mexican Income Tax Law establishes that the capital contribution that was not
utilized to acquire properties must be invested in government bonds that are registered with the National
Securities Register, shares of investment entities or debt instruments. During 2013, the Trust invested in
a variety of instruments with a high credit rating.
Trade and other accounts receivable-
Clients for hotel services
Other accounts receivable
Accounts receivable aging
Currently, Fibra INN holds collection levels equal to its billing period; trade and negotiation practices allow
Fibra INN to maintain its accounts receivable with an aging of receivables below 6 days.
Property, furniture and equipment-
Components of buildings
Machinery and equipment
Furniture and equipments
Less accumulated depreciation
Constructions in progress
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