Luxembourg Investment Vehicles
Fund managers must assess the impact of Brexit on
their operating models, as their cross-border fund
business transitions to a post-Brexit legal and regulatory
framework. Many alternative investment fund managers
have chosen Luxembourg to domicile their investment
activities and operations.
This confirms Luxembourg's position as the prime
cross-border hub for funds, a top choice for UK and US
managers to develop their distribution activities across
the EU market, and a gateway to Asian markets.
Brexit Relocation Map as of September 2019
Source: All figures are based on official media
publications in relation to BREXIT relocations
Managing Brexit webpage
I think that Luxembourg has not only due
to Brexit but overall climbed the value chain
from back office to middle office. We are really
seeing a reshaping of the nature of activities that
are being relocated to Luxembourg.
Nicolas Mackel
CEO, Luxembourg for Finance
65 Luxembourg
64 Ireland
30 The Netherland
30 France
28 Germany
7 Belgium
Luxembourg Investment Vehicles
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