1Q22 Business Results slide image

1Q22 Business Results

1Q22 Business Results Income Statement Revenue Notwithstanding the temporary sales reduction due to preparation for the direct-sales of additional products in Europe, the total revenue increased YoY thanks to stable prescription of Truxima in the N.America market as well as steady growth of RemsimaⓇ SC : Achieved sound operating profit due to sales increase in the profitable N.America market OP NP : Increased YoY and QoQ as a result of the increase in the non-operating profit due to weak Won (KRW bn) '21.1Q '21.4Q '22.1Q %YoY %QoQ Revenue 356.3 605.8 415.7 16.7% -31.4% Gross Profit 82.3 146.4 104.3 26.7% -28.8% (%) 23.1% 24.2% 25.1% 2.0%p 0.9%p SG&A 50.8 76.7 59.2 16.5% -22.8% (%) 14.3% 12.7% 14.2% -0.1%p 1.5%p Personnel expenses 12.8 22.9 12.5 -2.3% -45.4% Research expenses 9.8 7.4 5.0 -49.0% -32.4% Advertising expenses 1.4 6.5 2.9 107.1% -55.4% Commissions 13.4 18.7 15.5 15.7% -17.1% Operating Profit 31.5 69.7 45.0 42.9% -35.4% (%) 8.8% 11.5% 10.8% 2.0%p -0.7%p EBIT 35.0 23.0 61.3 75.1% 166.5% Net Profit 31.5 16.8 43.6 38.4% 159.5% Investor Relations 2022 4
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