Argo Mining Profitability and Expansion Update
Poised for exponential hashrate growth
Up to 600 MW of additional power capacity at Helios
▸ ASIC chip supply agreement with Intel
▸ Relationship with third party to manufacture
custom mining rigs utilizing Intel chips
Runway to grow hashrate to ~20 EH/s over the next
few years
1.6 EH/s
0.6 EH/s
0.2 EH/S
Phase 1 of Helios
expected to be online
5.5 EH/s
~20 EH/s¹
1. Argo does not have firm commitments from chip suppliers or mining machine manufacturers, nor the necessary infrastructure necessary to deploy projected mining capacity
at present. The projected timelines, or Argo's ability to achieve projected mining capacity at all, may change due to factors outside our control, including due to supply chain
interruptions; cost and availability of mining equipment; counterparty delay or non-performance; regulatory factors; the value of Bitcoin; and/or access to additional capital on
competitive terms. See the Legal Disclaimers on Slide 2.
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