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Investor Presentaiton

Fund/Portfolio Managers: Two hundred and forty six (246) quarterly returns were filed in 2013 from 86 registered Fund/Portfolio Managers. Details of their activities are summarized below: QUARTER 1ST, 2013 2ND, 2013 3RD, 2013 (N'Bn) (N'Bn) (N'Bn) Total shareholders' funds Total fund under management 97.5 124.1 100.7 146.4 189.8 211.3 Investment in the capital market 45.1 50.4 109.6 Investment in other asset classes 100.8 138.6 98.5 Uninvested funds 0.52 .081 3.1 % of Investment in the capital market to Total fund under management 30.8% 26.6% 51.9% % of Investment in other asset classes to Total fund under 68.9% management 73% 46.6% % of Uninvested funds to Total fund under management 0.4% 0.4% 1.5% The aggregate shareholders funds of registered Fund/Portfolio Managers declined by 23%. Total Portfolio under management increased from N207.8 billion in the 3rd quarter 2012 to N211.3 billion in the 3rd quarter 2013, indicating an increase of 1.7%. 51.9% of these funds were invested in the Capital Market, 46.6% was invested in other markets while 1.5% represented uninvested funds. Annual Report and Accounts 2013 - Securities & Exchange Commission 97 40
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