Aeris Capital Raising Details slide image

Aeris Capital Raising Details

Cracow Mature, high grade gold mine Low-sulphidation epithermal underground gold mine located 500km northwest of Brisbane Conventional crush and grind CIP processing plant commissioned in 2004, having produced +1.5Moz since first production FY24 production guidance of 38 - 48koz Au Strong history of reserve replacement, currently focused on: High grade extensions to known ore shots in the Western Vein Fields objective from FY24 drilling program is to identify resource additions - Golden Plateau Underground, historic mining area with potential for future underground operation. Maiden Mineral Resource in FY23 Exploration decline construction and resource drilling program to commence H2 FY24 Southern Vein Field - Limited exploration to date. Potential to be next major vein field Tailings storage facility providing 3 year production runway with commissioning expected in December 1. Source: Aeris Resources and Evolution Mining annual reports. Mineral Resource Total production (Au koz) (Au koz) FY15 FY16 Consistent gold production and resource replacement¹ 93 91 89 90 81 88 74 54 48 38-48 345 390 454 455 504 522 511 526 707 FY17 21 We are Aeris
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