Sustainability Report 2021
Message from
The Águas do
Brasil Group
Integrity and
Universal Access
to Sanitation
Water Security
and Climate
Our Utility
About this
With the customer's vision at the
center of its strategy, the Águas
do Brasil Group advances in the
quality of services.
Customer service
The Águas do Brasil Group operates with the customer's
vision at the center of its strategy to build a solid relationship
between company and consumer, seeking to offer a positive
experience and meet their demands. This supports customer
satisfaction and compliance, generating business value. This
focus was enhanced in 2021 with new digital relationship
channels and payment methods that are more assertive, agile,
secure, and bring greater customer comfort.
New payment methods were implemented in 2021, in line
with market availability and customer expectations: PicPay,
Pix, active enrollment in automatic debit, and an agreement
with Sicoob, aiming to expand the list of collection agents.
The digital customer relationship channels
-WhatsApp, the Cliente Águas application,
and interactive chat - accounted for 71% of
the total number of complaints received.
The proportion of cases handled without
the need for human intervention (e-ser-
vice retention and automation) increased
during the year, from 12% in 2020 to 21%
in 2021.
A pioneering ar-
tificial intelligence
tool supports the
company's internal pro-
cesses with innovation
and technology in the
service of digital chan-
nels. GABI Virtual Atten-
dant is a Robotic Process
Automation (RPA) that
handles the automation
of processes, monitoring
activities, algorithms, and simu-
lators that generate customized
solutions for each customer. The
program case was highlighted
in the PNQS Environmental San-
itation Management Innovation
category in 2021. The results
offered by the tool include the
generation of more agile and
assertive information, personal-
ized customer experience, op-
timization of 4,097 hours with
automation, mitigation of 32% of
mapped risks, assurance of 16%
of revenue, and 1.8% reduction
in the default rate.
Sustainability Report 2021
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