2022 Humanitarian Response Plan for Gaza and West Bank slide image

2022 Humanitarian Response Plan for Gaza and West Bank

Identify MHPSS capacities and capacity building needs and provide trainings for teachers, counselors and caregivers, such as PFA, self- care and supervision Protection risk 5: Specific risks facing women and girls-Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Gaza Risks of violence and discrimination for women in Palestine, including domestic violence, intimate partner violence, sexual abuse and child/forced marriage continue unabated. The combined effects of Israeli occupation and Palestine's patriarchal culture shape and drive gender inequality and any improvements remain hampered by ongoing rounds of violence and conflict the most recent the devastating May 2021 conflict. 79 According to UN Women study 80, majority of women surveyed (90%) believe tension within the community and home increased in the aftermath of the May 2021 escalation. In addition to general protection afforded to woman as civilians, IHL provides that the specific protection, health and assistance needs of women must be respected and contains provisions to address specific conflict-related forms of violence against women. 81 The Protection Cluster and GBV-Sub Cluster produced a thematic Protection Analysis Update on protection issues affecting women and girls in March 2022 which provides additional details and data to the below, including on most vulnerable and at-risk groups and impacts of COVID-19 with regards to shelters, access to justice, women and girls with disabilities and stigma 82. Gender-based violence (GBV) GBV is a major protection risk in the opt, with visible impacts in 2021 and increasing demand for services. Women and girls in opt face widespread and varied risks of GBV throughout their lives, exacerbated by conflict, displacement and movement restrictions. 83 In the opt women are four times more likely to experience intimate partner violence and often have no option but to rely on their abuser limiting their ability to build resilience and access services. In Gaza life-saving GBV services are extremely limited and access is further restricted by stigma and discrimination • with the result that those who experience GBV are not able to access quality, timely care and support to recover. No comprehensive law dealing with discrimination against women exists in the opt. 84 Moreover, the political and legal fragmentation between West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem in itself poses a major obstacle to the protection of women and girls. At present, no laws specifically criminalize GBV such as femicide, domestic violence, and sexual harassment, abuse, and assault. 85 79 https://palestine.unfpa.org/en/gender-based-violence 80 81 UN Women Multi-sectoral Needs Assessment in Gaza, 2022 For example IV GC, Article 27 (protection against sexual violence) 82 opt Protection Cluster | Protection Analysis Update - Protection issues affecting women and girls, March 2022 83 The SAWA Hotline reported a 70 per cent increase in calls after the beginning of COVID-lockdowns. This helpline operates in all of the opt and provides support and assistance, primary social and psychological counseling for women, children, and men who have been exposed to various forms of violence and abuse 84 CEDAW, Concluding observations on the initial report of the State of Palestine, CEDAW/C/PSE/CO/1, para. 10. 85 Femicide is the intentional killing of women or girls because of their gender 1 21
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