ChildFund Brasil Sustainability Report slide image

ChildFund Brasil Sustainability Report

PRESENTATION MESSAGE FROM MANAGEMENT WHO WE ARE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE MARKETING AND MOBILIZATION OF RESOURCES CHILDREN'S RIGHTS Advocacy and child protection SOCIAL PROGRAMS HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GRI SUMMARY ChildFund Brasil's activities are intend- ed to generate long-term results. Our desire is to develop actions to contrib- ute to the full development of children, adolescents, and young people in the locations where we operate, so that they become protagonists of their own lives. To do so, we have two major fronts for mobilizing resources: individuals and legal entities. With individuals, our work is focused on sponsoring children or free donations, whether monthly or occasional. With legal entities, wheth- er companies, institutes, associations, foundations or other public and private organizations, we work with the con- struction of partnerships aimed, on the one hand, at supporting the develop- ment of projects in the communities in which we operate, and on the other hand strengthening the social engage- ment of these corporations. Another important resource mobilization arm is called Ponte Social, which, by means of partnerships in the church segment, aims to raise funds for the development of our projects in areas of poverty and extreme poverty. The challenges of 2021 Although it was the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, 2020 was positive in donations, especially of essentials for survival, such as food. The moment of isolation, insecurity, and uncertain- ty that the world was experiencing awakened the solidarity of people who decided to help the more vulnerable. However, 2021 brought the impacts of the pandemic, the economic crisis worsened, and we felt, just like other Third Sector organizations, the reflexes of this reality on donations, both from individuals and companies. In this scenario also marked by the great mobilization of other institutions to help the more vulnerable, ChildFund Brasil's Marketing and Resource Mobili- zation area focused on improving pro- cesses, seeking to increasingly under- stand the journey of those who donate and the loyalty of these volunteers. BRL 32,884,000 Total revenue BRL 246,000 Revenue from corporate donations BRL 9,213,000 Sponsorship revenue BRL 580,000 Revenue from free donations 2,481 Attracting new sponsors in Brazil • Sponsorship The donation of resources by individ- uals is one of Child Fund Brasil's most important mobilization fronts. For this reason, year after year, we strive to in- crease the number of participants in the sponsorship program, which is the backbone of the resources that make our actions possible. Sponsorship reve- nue grew by 20% in 2021, thanks to the efforts of the donor relations team. Ev- ery day, the team strives to understand the donor's journey, establishing pro- cesses and offering exclusive content to those who believe in our cause, besides strengthening the bond between spon- sors and the sponsored child. A new sys- tem was implemented, which allowed automated controls and actions to im- prove delinquency rates. Regarding the organization's total revenue, BRL 32,884,000 was collected, allocated to the maintenance of the programs and projects carried out with the sponsored children and their families. Be a sponsor! Help those in need: sponsor a child for under BRL 2.30 a day! Through financial sponsorship, you invest not only in your sponsee's future, but in the entire community. The amount you donate ensures the management of projects that provide children access to education, food, health, and protection. Did you know? To sponsor a child in 2021, a minimum monthly financial donation starting at BRL 67 was required. The sponsorship funds are used to run the projects for the benefit of the children and their families. The amounts are passed on to the Local Partners according to each of their needs, defined in joint planning with ChildFund Brasil Click here to join this chain of good: 32 32 ChŘldFund. • Sustainability Report Brasil 33 33
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