Orizon Sustainability and ESG Initiatives slide image

Orizon Sustainability and ESG Initiatives

ORIZON = ABOUT US NATURAL CAPITAL GOVERNANCE HUMAN CAPITAL SOCIAL PLATFORM PERFORMANCE GRI SUMMARY ETHICS AND INTEGRITY GRI 2-23, 2-24, 2-26, 3-3: Ethics, integrity and compliance 3-3: Transparency and Relationship with the Priority Publics Orizon has a strong Compliance Program, made up of the following policies: 'Anti-corruption', 'Donations and Sponsorships', 'Partnerships', 'Gifts, Presents and Entertainment', and 'Contracting Suppliers'. Furthermore, the company has a Code of Ethics containing clear guidelines. The organization can designate specific people or teams to ensure implementation of the commitments at different levels. The commitments are integrated into the organizational strategies as well as the policies and operational procedures to ensure that they are consistently applied throughout the company. The aim is to incorporate the commitments into the company's commercial relations with suppliers, partners and other stakeholders in order to achieve our common objectives. The Anti-corruption Policy is one of Orizon's most important policies. In accordance with this policy, it is forbidden to promise, offer, give, receive or authorize undue advantages involving our employees and other publics. All forms of corruption (including those that do not involve public agents) are wrong and inconsistent with the values of the Company, meaning they are, therefore, absolutely forbidden. Employees and third parties should prioritize ethics and transparency when professionally conducting their activities, which should always be in the best interests of the company, regardless of any advantage either offered or requested. ORIZON ORIZON'S CODE OF ETHICS INVOLVES THE PRINCIPLES OF INTEGRITY, INSPIRATION, DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY AND SUSTAINABILITY < 41 >
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