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Investor Presentaiton

Differing State Economic Concentrations Will Allow for Multiple Casino Development Options Integrated resort investment by largest international gaming companies will be concentrated in the most populous and visited states such as Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio De Janeiro The abundance of opportunities nationally will exceed the capacity of the international casino operator and investment communities This will leave tremendous possibilities for local capital and operators as well. Name Amapa Tocantins SPECTRUM North Region Norheast Region Southeast Region South Region Central West Region GAMING SGC CAPITAL Pop. GDP ($B) GDP (%) Mo HHI/Capita Roraima 0.5 3.4 0.2% $325 Rondonia 1.7 12.0 0.5% $274 0.8 4.7 0.2% $268 1.5 9.2 0.4% $263 Acre Amazonas Para 0.8 4.7 0.2% $232 4.0 30.6 1.4% $225 8.3 43.9 2.0% $216 Subtotal - North 17.7 108.7 5.0% Rio Grande do Norte 3.5 19.1 0.9% $280 Sergipe 2.3 13.2 0.6% $267 Pernambuco 9.4 54.7 2.5% $266 Paraiba 4.0 18.7 0.9% $241 Bahia 15.3 79.0 3.6% $235 Ceara 9.0 44.5 2.0% $229 Piaui 3.2 13.3 0.6% $228 Alagoas 3.4 14.5 0.7% $202 Maranhao 7.0 27.1 1.2% $175 Subtotal - Northeast 56.9 284.0 13.0% Sao Paulo 44.7 706.3 32.3% $525 Minas Gerais 21.0 182.2 8.3% $356 Espirito Santo 4.0 45.4 2.1% $352 Rio De Janeiro 16.6 236.7 10.8% $435 Subtotal - Southeast 86.4 1,170.6 53.6% Rio Grande do Sul 11.3 126.2 5.8% $473 Santa Catarina 6.9 85.5 3.9% $444 Parana 11.2 122.8 5.6% $426 Subtotal - South 29.4 334.5 15.3% Distrito Federal 3.0 163.9 7.5% $716 Mato Grosso do Sul 2.7 27.8 1.3% $391 Mato Grasso 3.3 35.7 1.6% $347 Goias 6.7 58.2 2.7% $347 Subtotal - Central West 15.7 285.6 13.1% Total 206 2,183 100% 4
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