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Investor Presentaiton

Behaviouralized ALM as of 31 March 2021 - BHFL Particulars BAJAJ FINANCE LIMITED 1D-7D 7D-14D 15D-30D >1-2M >2-3M >3-6M >6M-1Y >1Y-3Y >3Y-5Y >5Y - 7Y >7Y-10Y >10 Y Values in MM USD 1 = 74 INR Total Cash & Investments 401 34 103 0 538 Advances 54 23 55 103 100 283 502 1,414 822 498 395 267 4,516 Other inflows 10 10 112 204 170 138 30 113 131 47 32 107 1,104 Total Inflows (A) 465 68 166 409 270 421 533 1,527 953 545 427 374 6,158 Cumulative Total Inflows (B) 465 533 700 1,109 1,379 1,800 2,332 3,859 4,812 5,357 5,784 6,158 0 Borrowings 174 06 90 255 198 196 605 1,915 792 257 243 4,725 Capital Reserves and Surplus I 815 815 Other Outflows 39 Total Outflows (C) 213 33 37 74 39 23 60 4 1 1 0 338 0 618 37 164 294 221 256 609 1,916 794 258 338 1,059 6,158 Cumulative Total Outflows (D) 213 251 415 709 930 1,186 1,795 3,711 4,504 4,762 5,099 6,158 Mismatch (E=A-C) 252 31 2 115 48 165 -76 -389 159 288 89 -685 Cumulative mismatch (F = B-D) 252 283 285 400 449 614 538 149 308 596 685 Cumulative mismatch as % (F/D) 118% 113% 69% 56% 48% 52% 30% 4% 7% 13% 13% 0% Permissible cumulative gap % -10% -10% -20% Additional borrowings possible 459 35
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