FY2023 Financial Forecasts slide image

FY2023 Financial Forecasts

Analysis of FY2023 Forecasts: Consolidated Operating Income TOYOTA (billions of yen) 2,995.6 +195.0 Excluding the overall impact of foreign exchange rates and swap valuation gains/losses, etc: -775.0 Effects of FOREX Rates *1 -440.0 Increase or Decrease in -1,150.0 +815.0 -15.6 Other *4 Cost Reduction Efforts Marketing Efforts *2 Expenses and Expense Reduction Efforts *3 FY22 Results '21.4-'22.3 112 yen/US$ 131 yen/€ *1 Details Which includes: Soaring materials prices -1,450.0 Cost Reduction +300.0 Operating Income: -595.6 2,400.0 FY23 Forecasts '22.4-'23.3 115 yen/US$ 130 yen/€ *2 Details *3 Details *4 Details Translational FOREX Impact Transactional (Imports/Exports) +55.0 +5.0 Concerning Overseas Subsidiaries Volume, Model Mix +585.0 Labor Cost -120.0 Valuation Gains / Losses from Swaps, etc. -15.6 - US $ +110.0 Other +135.0 Financial Services -45.0 Depreciation Expenses -65.0 (Translational FOREX Impact of Fiscal - € -5.0 Other +275.0 - Other -50.0 Year-end Balance of Provisions in Foreign Currencies, etc.) R&D Expenses -60.0 Expenses, etc. -195.0 16
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