2022 Full Year Results
2022 A solid financial structure
CET1 ratio: 12.3%¹ as at 31.12.22 (+20 bps vs. 30.09.22)
• 4Q22 results after taking into account a 60% pay-out ratio (including the
2022 contribution of BancWest), net of changes in risk-weighted assets:
+20 bps
• Overall limited impact of other effects on the ratio
Reminder: impacts since 31.12.21
• 2022 results after taking into account a 60% pay-out ratio net of organic
growth in risk-weighted assets: +30 bps
Effect of the acceleration in growth: -20 bps
Impact on Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) of market prices: -40 bps
Impacts from the updating of models and regulations²: -30 bps
Leverage ratio³: 4.4% as at 31.12.22
• Perspectives:
Impact on the CET1 ratio of the closing of the Bank of the West sale:
~+170 bps as at 01.02.23
Impact on the leverage ratio of the closing of the Bank of the West sale:
~+40 bps as at 01.02.23
CET1 ratio
Liquidity reserve (€bn)4
Room to manoeuvre > 1 year in
terms of wholesale funding
Impact of the 1st €2.5bn share buyback tranche on the CET1 ratio:
~-20 bps as soon as ECB approval is obtained
Impact of the application of IFRS17 on the CET1 ratio: ~-10 bps
Liquidity Coverage Ratio: 129% as at 31.12.22
1. CRD4; including IFRS9 transitional arrangements; see slide 95; 2. In particular IRB Repair and application of the new regulation on currency risk in structural positions and including the effects of the hyperinflation situation in Türkiye;
3. Calculated in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/876; 4. Liquid market assets or eligible assets in central banks (counterbalancing capacity), taking into account prudential standards, notably US standards, minus intra-day payment system needs
The bank for a changing world
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