Enhancing Kota Jababeka's Value Proposition
4 Diversified projects: Morotai
Future tourism and logistics hub strategically located in the heart of Pacific Asia with natural tropical beauty and World War
2 historic sites and relics
Strategically located in the Halmahera group of eastern
Indonesia's Maluku islands, in the heart of Pacific Asia in
between Asia and Australia
3 hours flight from Singapore and Taipei
Great potential for tourism, agricultural and fishing
industries and as a logistics hub
Morotai is a Special Economic Zone for tourism and 1 of 10
new tourism destinations promoted by the government
Beach view at Morotai
PT Jababeka Morotai has been appointed as the
implementing entity of the Morotai development project
by the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs of the
Republic of Indonesia
Evening view at Morotai
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