JSC Atomenergoprom Annual Report
The development of ROSATOM and JSC Atomenergoprom is based on the long-term technological
policy, which involves mastering new-generation
nuclear energy technologies (including fast neutron
reactors and the closed nuclear fuel cycle), as well
as strengthening the export potential of Russia's
nuclear technologies (construction of nuclear power
plants abroad, rendering uranium enrichment and
conversion services, nuclear fuel fabrication, etc.).
ROSATOM's mission, which JSC Atomenergoprom is committed to, reflects the development model that
it has prioritised: the Company leverages the research, technological and manufacturing capabilities that
it has developed over the years and continues to create new technologies that can help to improve the
standard of living around the world.
JSC Atomenergoprom is taking steps to accomplish ROSA-
TOM's mission of leveraging the achievements of nuclear
science and modern high technology for the benefit
of humanity.
JSC Atomenergoprom's operations facilitate the implementation of the global sustainable development
agenda. The Company contributes to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through
its product line and its efforts to ensure the sustainability of internal environmental, social and governance
The global energy crisis caused by geopolitical tensions
and restrictive policies adopted by certain countries was a
major external factor in 2022. Most countries responded
to the crisis by closely focusing on energy security,
diversifying the energy mix and increasing investment in
clean energy sources.
For JSC Atomenergoprom as a global player on the
nuclear technology and wind power markets, this opens
up opportunities for further expansion into international
markets, primarily with product offers focused on zero-
carbon energy and targeted at emerging markets.
The Company's strategy provides it with sufficient
flexibility in its development to enable it to leverage the
opportunities arising in the industry.
For details, see the section
'Sustainable Development Management'.
The business strategy provides general guidelines for
the long term, shapes the target vision for 2030 and
sets a framework for development.
The vision of JSC Atomenergoprom is to become
a global technological leader. Accordingly, the
Company intends to expand the scale of its business
to match existing global technological leaders.
By 2030, ROSATOM intends to increase its revenue
(including the portfolio of JSC Atomenergoprom)
to RUB 4 trillion, with the share of new products in
revenue expected to increase several times over;
the Corporation also intends to expand its overseas
The vision provides an industry-wide focus on
developing modern high technology and sets
ambitious goals for each of the prioritised areas.
Thus, the overall goal of expanding the scale of business is decomposed. In the sphere of nuclear power
generation, this helps to maintain the continuity of strategic goals, enabling the Company to remain an
undisputed leader in the global nuclear industry.
The vision also involves creating a governance system meeting international standards and easily
adaptable to a changing environment; customer centricity, i.e. proactively identifying customer needs,
and fully unlocking the potential of our employees by providing an environment for lifelong learning and
developing programmes to attract the best talent.
The Company has set itself four long-term strategic goals to be achieved by 2030:
To increase the international market share. To assert their leadership on the global nuclear power
market, ROSATOM and JSC Atomenergoprom are currently expanding their footprint in over 50
countries around the world and the long-term portfolio of overseas orders and increasing the
corresponding revenue;
To reduce production costs and the lead time. In order to develop the most competitive products,
ROSATOM and JSC Atomenergoprom will take further steps to reduce the duration of NPP construction
and the cost of electricity (LCOE);
To develop new products for the Russian and international markets. Given the accumulated knowledge
and technologies of the 'nuclear project' in civilian sectors, the Company plans to increase the share of new
businesses in revenue significantly by 2030;
To achieve global leadership in state-of-the-art technology. ROSATOM and JSC Atomenergoprom seek
to extend their global leadership beyond the nuclear industry. The Company intends to leverage its existing
capabilities, the understanding of nuclear technologies and accumulated experience in order to diversify
into new segments. In the future, ROSATOM aims to rank among international companies perceived as
global technological leaders.
For details on steps taken by the Company in order to increase its international market share,
see the section 'International Business'.
Necessary prerequisites for the implementation of the strategy
Ensuring safe use of nuclear energy;
Minimising the negative environmental impact;
Ensuring that the development of nuclear power is socially acceptable;
Developing ROSATOM's innovative potential;
Shaping a corporate culture focused on results and performance improvement;
Ensuring full compliance with Russian legislation.
Key strategy implementation risks
Key risks that can affect the achievement of strategic goals include:
Economic risks (including financial risks, such as currency, interest rate and credit risks, etc.);
Commercial risks (including risks associated with the nuclear fuel cycle product and service market, as
well as reputational risks);
Operational risks (including the risk of losing critical knowledge of existing and newly created
Political risks;
Technical (project) risks;
Technological risks (including the risk of shortcomings in technology);
Climate risks (including environmental and energy transition risks).
For details on the key risks, see the section 'Risk Management'.
JSC ATOMENERGOPROM / ANNUAL REPORT / 27View entire presentation