GB Auto Corporate Growth and Expansion Strategy
Board of Directors Biographies
7 Mr. Colin Sykes (Chief Financial Officer) has an international career that spans more than 20 years in publicly listed, equity-backed and private
family-owned organizations advising various types of shareholders and businesses on corporate strategy, business and operational matters. Mr.
Sykes' leadership has been in the finance, corporate finance and investor relations areas and in some cases has extended to operational areas
such as supply chain and assembly. Mr. Sykes has been with GB Auto over two years as CFO. Prior to that Mr. Sykes held CFO and Finance
Director positions at Lecico Egypt, Tellermate plc and the Gargour Group. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1984 with the international
BDO partnership and also holds a Fuqua School of Business MBA from Duke University in the USA.
8 Mr. Rainer Schmückle (independent director) comes to us with 15 years experience from Daimler AG, where for the past five years he was
Chief Operating Officer (COO) for Mercedes Benz cars in Germany. Mr. Schmückle also brings important commercial vehicles experience to the
Board, having served five years as Chief Financial Officer of Daimler's Freightliner business and then a further five years as Chief Executive
Officer of the same. He left Daimler AG earlier this year to pursue international independent directorships in the field. Mr. Schmückle holds a
degree in Industrial Engineering from Karlsruhe University in Germany.
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