Funding Agreement-Backed Note Program
Recent Initiatives and Developments
Assets Under Management Strategic Growth Initiatives
On February 7, 2022, Guardian acquired a minority equity stake in HPS Investment Partners, a leading global investment firm. Through this strategic
partnership Guardian will also provide HPS with capital to invest and manage across a range of private-credit strategies
Guardian continues to build out its institutional asset management capabilities under its wholly-owned subsidiary, Guardian Investor Services
Commitment for the CLO business was expanded
Technology Initiatives and Investment
Investment into the digitalization of our Individual and Group customer platforms including sales processes, life insurance underwriting using
information technology and data, paperless processes and customer engagement
Focus on Al and automation, big data and analytics, strategic investments, and cloud
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
ESG principles are increasingly important for our stakeholders. We have made strides in our ESG work through corporate sustainability initiatives,
philanthropic grants, Inclusion and Diversity programs, and investments
For our Investments, Guardian recognizes ESG integration as the consideration of environmental, social and governance factors, which when weighed
along with our traditional investment process help us design and maintain portfolios that we believe uphold the optimal combination of financial
returns and responsible investment
Significant company wide focus on ESG including collaboration across several business lines to create an ESG and sustainability framework for Guardian
8 Guardian
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