Tax Competitiveness of the Maquiladora Industry slide image

Tax Competitiveness of the Maquiladora Industry

Market selection Table 1.6 Tax Competitiveness of the Maquiladora Industry, a Study from the International Perspective KPMG. Progressive Weighting 0.0125 its respective indicators, the result according to the assigned weight and the progressive value for each indicator. Unless noted otherwise, all figures in column "Q" are expressed in thousands of millions (tm) or in millions. (m) of dollars. Column "V" represents the result obtained for each market in accordance to its position in the ranking of each indicator. The last column of table 1.7 represents the rating obtained by each country, which resulted from adding up all the values obtained. Considering that Mexico is the base country for this analysis, the rating of 76% obtained would be equal to 100 points from which the proportional rating for the other countries is obtained. Progressive Method Values Indicators Weighting GDP 0.10 Exports (EXP) 0.15 0.0188 Exports to the USA 0.30 0.0375 Manufacturing (MFG) 0.20 0.0250 Manufacturing exports 0.15 0.0188 Exports per capita 0.10 0.0125 Source: Prepared by KPMG in Mexico 2012. The first component of the fiscal competitiveness analysis seeks to select countries that are deemed comparable to Mexico as far as manufacturing industry and its various types of operations are concerned. Moreover, because of the aforementioned scheme, Mexico is regarded as a "nearshore" country (offshore markets are those who are farthest from the US market). These countries are those where production and manufacturing sites are installed for having more fiscal and operating benefits. For this analysis we identified countries with these characteristics for subsequent evaluation and selection of those most resembling Mexico. Originally, we identified 7 countries for assessment and compiled representative statistics that were obtained from economic indicators of each country, which include gross domestic product (hereinafter GDP), total exports, exports to the United States of America (hereinafter USA), percentage manufacturing output represents of total GDP, percentage represented by total manufacturing output with respect to total exports and, last, exports per capita. However, with a view to conducting the evaluation of candidate countries and their statistics, the progressive method of assessment was used. According to this method, a weight is assigned to each indicator, depending on relevance. Such weight is divided by the total number of countries to obtain a value which is subtracted progressively from each country according to their ranking position of this specific indicator. This position goes from higher to lower depending on the value of each indicator. Hypothetically, the maximum rating of 100% would be allocated to the market that best met with the total of the requirements analyzed. Therefore, the greater percentage shall be the market that resembles the ideal market most and, according to the percentage obtained by Mexico, those immediately above and below shall be comparable markets to be assessed. Table 1.6 shows the weight allocated to each of the indicators used for this assessment and the value to be progressively reduced for each indicator. All the necessary information for the assessment of candidate countries. is included in the following table, where each country appears with Table 1.7 Progressive Method Evaluation Weighting GDP (tm) EXP (tm) EXP USA/EXP Country Q V V Q V MFG (tm) 0.2 Ο V Q EXP MFG (tm) (mmd) V EXP Per Capita (USD) 0.1 Total Results O V China 10,090 0.1000 1,581 0.1500 18% 0.2250 4,732 0.2000 490 0.1500 1,183 0.0250 0.85 85% Brazil 2,090 0.0875 202 0.0750 10% 0.1500 560 0.1500 28 Mexico 1,567 0.0750 299 0.1125 81% 0.3000 510 0.1250 65 South Korea 1,459 0.0625 464 0.1313 10% 0.1500 573 0.1750 148 0.0563 0.0938 2,625 0.1313 9,523 992 0.0125 0.53 53% 0.0500 0.76 76% 0.1000 0.75 75% Thailand 587 0.0500 194 0.0563 11% 0.1875 262 0.1000 50 0.0750 2,900 0.0625 0.53 53% Malasia 414 0.0375 210 0.0938 10% 0.1125 171 0.0750 98 0.1125 7,320 0.0750 0.51 51% Hungary 188 0.0250 93 93 0.0375 0% 0.0750 69 0.0500 24 0.0375 9,369 0.0875 0.31 31% Costa Rica 52 0.0125 9 0.0188 36% 0.2625 11 0.0250 4 0.0188 2,048 0.0375 0.38 38% Source: Prepared by KPMG in Mexico 2012. сс 13
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