Rio de Janeiro GHG Emissions Inventory and Climate Change Mitigation Opportunities slide image

Rio de Janeiro GHG Emissions Inventory and Climate Change Mitigation Opportunities

Centro Clima CENTRO DE ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS SOBRE MEIO AMBIENTE E MUDANÇAS CLIMÁTICAS Scope 1 (Gg CO2e) (Gg CO2e) Rio de Janeiro Emissions in 2012 Scopes 1, 2 and 3 (Gg CO₂e) 2 Total (GgCO2e) Scope 2 Scope 3 (Gg CO2e) Stationary Combustion 5655 924 6580 Residential 1575 315 I 1890 Commercial & Services 1283 344 1627 Public sector 436 126 563 Industry 2361 139 2500 Transport 7049 20 -316 6754 Road 5301 -316 4986 Aviation 1665 1665 Rail 73 Water-Bourne 10 20 20 93 10 Energy sector consumption 2702 470 3172 Fugitive Emissions 1254 182 1437 IPPU 2355 2355 Waste 634 1696 2331 AFOLU 9 9 Total 19345 1413 1563 22637
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