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Investor Presentaiton

AGING PROGRAMS AND PLAN FOCUS AREAS OAA FOCUS 1 - OLDER AMERICANS ACT CORE PROGRAMS Title III-B - Supportive Services and Senior Centers: Supportive Services under Title III-B enable older adults to access services that address functional limitations; encourage socialization, continued health and independence; and protect elder rights. Together, these services promote the ability to maintain the highest possible independence, function and participation in the community. Across the Title III-B services in FFY 2018, AAAS served over 52,500 older Virginians. TITLE III-B SERVICES IN VIRGINIA ACCESS SERVICES Care Coordination Care Transitions Communication Referral Information Assistance (CRIA) Options Counseling (OC) Transportation Assisted Transportation Assistance, either in the form of accessing needed services, benefits, and/or re- sources, or arranging, in circumstances where the older person and/or their caregiv- ers are experiencing diminished functioning capacities, personal conditions or other characteristics, the needed services by providers. Care Coordination is a distinct and comprehensive service. It entails investigating a person's needs and resources, link- ing the person to a full range of appropriate services, using all available funding sources and monitoring the care provided over an extended period of time. See also Virginia Focus Area 1 for more information. See Virginia Focus Area 2 for more information. Communication: The process of offering general information to a client, caregiver, professional or other individual. Referral: The process of informing a client, caregiver, professional or other individual about appropriate choices and linking them with external entities providing opportu- nities, services, supports and/or resources to meet their needs. Information & Assistance: The process of assessing a client or caregiver and transfer- ring them to a service provided directly by the agency (AAA) or through a subcontrac- tor and paid by the agency, or directly assisting them with obtaining needed services, supports and/or resources and, if necessary, advocating with entities on their behalf. An interactive decision-support process whereby individuals, with support from family members, caregivers, and/or significant others, are supported in their deliberations to make informed long-term support choices in the context of the individual's prefer- ences, strengths, needs, values, and individual circumstances. Provision of a means of going from one location to another. Provision of transportation and an escort to older persons who have difficulty using regular vehicular transportation due to physical and/or cognitive limitations. It is a "door-to-door" service, and the escort can wait with the older person at the doctor's office or other destinations. 29 29
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