Investor Presentation May 2017 slide image

Investor Presentation May 2017

ADJUSTED NET INCOME, GROUP SHARE (in €m) 2015 2016 (in €m) 2015 2016 EBITDA (1) 3,955 3,886 Net income from continuing operations 1,120 934 Recurring operating income 2,445 2,351 Minority share of net income from -143 -148 continuing operations Net income from associates and JVS 44 -36 Net income from continuing 977 786 Non-recurring income -257 -372 operations, Group share EBIT Net financial expenses 2,232 -515 1,943 Net income from discontinued operations, Group share 4 -40 -515 Net income, Group share 980 746 Net interest expense -347 -377 Other net financial expenses -168 -138 Adjusted net income, Group share 1,113 1,031 Income before taxes 1,717 1,428 Income tax expense -597 -494 Effective tax rate 34.8% 34.6% Notes (1) Recurring operating income before depreciation and amortization (including supply chain depreciation) INVESTOR PRESENTATION May 2017 | 43
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