ANNUAL INTEGRATED REPORT 2021 | AXTEL = (ii.) Interest rate and cash flow risk The Company's interest rate risk arises from long-term loans. Loans at variable rates expose the Company to interest rate risks in cash flows that are partially offset by cash held at variable rates. Loans at fixed rates expose the Company to interest rate risk at fair value. As of December 31, 2021, 7% of Axtel's total debt generates variable interest rates while the remaining 93% generates fixed interest rates. The Company analyzes its exposure to interest rate risk on a dynamic basis. Several scenarios are simulated, taking into account the refinancing, renewal of existing positions, financing and alternative coverage. Based on these scenarios, the Company calculates the impact on the annual result of a change in the interest rate defined for each simulation, using the same change in the interest rate for all currencies. The scenarios are produced only for liabilities that represent the main positions that generate the highest interest. Axtel's results and cash flows can be impacted if additional financing is required in the future when interest rates are high in relation to the Company's current conditions. As of December 31, 2021, if the interest rates on variable rate loans were increased or decreased by 100 basis points, the interest expense would affect the results and stockholders' equity by $8,805 and $(8,805), respectively. Credit risk Credit risk represents the risk of financial loss for the Company, if a customer or counterpart of a financial instrument defaults on its contractual obligations, mainly in connection with accounts receivable from customers, as well as from investment instruments. Account receivables The Company evaluates and aggregates groups of clients that share a credit risk profile, in accordance with the service channel in which they operate, in line with business management and internal risk management. The Company is responsible for managing and analyzing the credit risk for each of its new customers prior to establishing the terms and conditions of payment to offer. Credit risk arises from exposure of credit to customers, including accounts receivable. If there is no independent rating in place, the Company evaluates the credit risk pertaining to its customers, taking into account the financial position, past experience and other factors such as historical lows, net recoveries and an analysis of accounts receivable balances aging with reserves that are usually increased to the extent the accounts receivable increases in age. The credit risk concentration is moderate due to the number of unrelated clients. Axtel determines its allowance for impairment of accounts receivable taking into account the probability of recovery, based on past experiences, as well as current collection trends and overall economic 142 42
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